# Point Balances

Point balance endpoints return EasyPoints data about the specified customer(s).

# Base Route


# Fields

The following fields may be returned:

Key Type Definition
id String The Shopify ID of the customer
expiration_delay Integer The duration the shop waits until a customer's points expire (in months)
expires_at String The current datetime when this customer's points will expire (ISO8601 format)
point_balance Integer The number of points this customer has available

# Fetching a single Point Balance

# Route

Use the following GET route to fetch the point balance of a single customer. Replace :id with the Shopify ID of the customer whose point balance you want to fetch.


# Example

Example request and result:

GET "https://loyalty.slrs.io/api/shopify/point_balances/123"
  "data": {
    "expiration_delay": 3,
    "expires_at": "2020-11-14T07:00:35.000000Z",
    "id": "123",
    "point_balance": 800

# Setting a single Point Balance

Use the following POST route to set a point balance to a given amount. This will create a point allotment for the difference from the current balance and update the balance.

  • Point balance id in the route can also be an email (may need to be url encoded)

# Fields

The following point allotment fields may be returned:

Key Type Definition
id String The easyPoints ID of the point allotment
point_value Integer The increase or decrease in point value of the point balance
inserted_at String The current datetime when the customer's point balance was updated
point_balance Point Balance The point balance record

# Fields to Submit

The following fields may be submitted when creating a point allotment:

Key Type Required Definition
balance Integer ✔️ The new balance for the customer

# Example

Example request and result:

POST "https://loyalty.slrs.io/api/shopify/point_balances/123/set_balance"
Body {
  "balance": 200
  "data": {
    "id": "36ce8920-4a65-11eb-98c6-000c291828e7",
    "inserted_at": "2020-12-30T06:06:53.000000",
    "point_balance": {
      "expiration_delay": 3,
      "expires_at": "2021-03-20T23:51:09.000000Z",
      "id": "123",
      "point_balance": 200
    "point_value": 100